Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Sometimes college is really hard....

I miss home.

Where even if everyone hated each other, I still felt loved.
Where I could walk in the kitchen to make something, and all the ingredients would just be there.
Where day to day life just seemed so consistent.
Where I didn't feel this lonely.
Where I felt like I was actually accomplishing something in life.
Where all my favorite people lived under the same roof.
Where Adam and Isabella are.
Where there isn't a foot of snow everywhere I turn.
Where I had people to talk to instead of having to bottle everything up.
Where I have parents, people to take care of me.
Where there was a nightly unenthusiastic "it's time for dinner" announcement.
Where my life didn't seem so pointless.
Where I have family- the one thing I want right now.
Where my life didn't seem so hopeless.
Where I will always have a place to go for the rest of my life.
Where I knew the stairs so well I could walk on them in the dark without falling.
Where I could drive whenever I wanted to.
Where what I was surrounded by was the only important thing in life.
Where I felt important to at least someone.
Where I didn't feel this lost.
Where I felt loved.
Where I just want to be.

I never thought I would miss home. But I am so homesick. Home is the only place I want to be right now.

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