Wednesday, February 8, 2012

So much for my only goal in life....

I'm not a fan of making goals. Because usually, I'm just as good at obtaining those goals as I am at keeping New Years resolutions. Which is, lousily to the max. However, one goal I do have in life, is to never get a ticket. And so, trying to come up with these letters, was just depressing. And foreign to me. And they just made me even more certain that getting a ticket is something I never want. 

So.... maybe I should stop speeding.

Anyways, here they are:

Your honor,
                Yesterday I received my 4th speeding ticket, consequently getting my license revoked. By all means, I am not trying to justify my actions, because I know I am the one at fault. However, I feel some considerations should be accounted for, thereby justifying my actions. Granted my other speeding tickets this month have been due to foolish decisions I’ve made, but yesterday the circumstances were different. My little brother fell off the counter and needed stitches on his head, and I was the only one home able to take him to the hospital. The nearest hospital to my house is at least twenty minutes away. I knew that if I drove over the speed limit to get him there, I would risk being pulled over. But, it was more important to me to get my brother taken care of. As I was pulled over, the cop noticed I was rushing to the hospital, so he followed me there and gave me a ticket once I arrived at the hospital. I am aware that I was speeding, but this was an understandable circumstance. It is my hope that you will take this into consideration, and pardon my error. I haven’t tried to reason or excuse any of my previous tickets, but this time I feel it’s necessary. Thank you for your time.

                Mommy, I really hate to bring you worry while you’re on vacation, but I don’t want to lie to you either. Yesterday when I called you and told you I had to take Adam to the hospital, what I didn’t tell you was that I also received a speeding ticket. It was my fourth one this month, so my license is being taken away. I’m not trying to pretend that I wasn't guilty, because I do have a problem with speeding. You know that better than anyone. However, I did write a letter to the judge in plea of letting me off this time, because of the circumstances. I don’t want you to freak out about this, I’m taking care of it in the best matter I can. Adam is doing well now, and that is all that really matters. It will be an issue if I’m not able to drive anywhere, but there are many worse things that could be happening. Anyways, I just wanted you to be aware of this, so you didn’t find out some other way. I hope you’re having a great time, and I can’t wait for you to get back! I love you!

              Hey guys, here’s the thing. Yesterday, I got a speeding ticket. I know right, what’s new? But the difference is, this time it was the fourth one in a month, so my license is being taken away. I know, it’s ridiculous, but what can I do about it now? I did write to the judge, but who knows if that will change anything. For now, I won’t be able to drive people around anymore, which means we’ll have to start taking the bus to school, along with being extremely bored on the weekends. Eventually I’ll get a license again, but for now…. I’m just not licensed to drive. I know this is going to frustrate you all, but it angers me as well, because I don’t even think I should have gotten a ticket because it wasn't really my fault this time. I was taking my brother to the ER, and with my luck, I should have known I’d pass a cop. So yeah, I got pulled over, and now I don’t have a license. It’s rather unfortunate, and I know this affects you guys too, but hey. Look on the bright side; at least you guys aren't the ones paying for it.


  1. I really liked your letter to the judge I thought it was great that you brought up you were at fault for that one and the rest of your tickets. I think that the fact you said the others were actually your fault helped the judge trust you more. If I was the judge you would definitly be getting your licenses back.

  2. All your letters are so good. I loved the hospital deal and then how you told your mom about the hospital but told her later about the ticket. Next to such a big incident about the hospital, it lessens how bad the ticket would be. Nice work!

  3. Sofia, your blog posts are always my favorite. You are a really good writer! I loved the introduction at the beginning of your post. That is a good goal, and it was mine too until I failed yesterday. Haha I'm sure you will be a better goal achiever than I was. I liked the different tone in each of the letters too. These are awesome!
