Sunday, January 29, 2012

Well, this is about as pointless as a white crayon.

That's not actually my viewpoint on peer reviews.

Really, I think they're quite helpful. Personally, I just don't like them. I think the smaller the groups are the better; because when you have a lot of people, everyone's comments just contradict each others, so you're just at a loss of what you should take from it.
I like them, because they help me find errors I'd never find in my papers otherwise.
I don't like them... well, probably mainly just because I'm not a fan of criticism. Even though it's for my benefit.
I will say, I don't mind peer reviews as much in the paper form, compared to the class form. Because in the class form, everyone was just seeming to repeat what they already said on the paper itself.... or maybe that's just me.

But yeah, basically, I think they're kinda like a white crayon. Taken as a whole, they're not the most helpful thing. But when looking at the different purposes they can serve, they can be pretty helpful.

Like, in terms of coloring, white crayons are pretty useless.
But, in terms of art? White crayons are a whole different story.


  1. You have made me really want to use a white crayon now :). I agree with you about peer reviews. I like the paper form better too (I like reading all the compliments. hehe), mostly because, I honestly forget everything that is said in the class discussion part. Nice metaphor!

  2. I like the comparison! Yeah, it was helpful to actually have the comments written on the paper because I tend to forget what has been said when we talk in a group like that sometimes.
