Sunday, February 5, 2012

Just pretend there is only one poem here... even though there's not.

Ok, found poems. Here they are.
So, this made me feel like Ellen Hopkins. Who by the way, is probably my favorite author ever.
Also, these are all from conversations I've had with people on Facebook. Which I guess goes to show why I'm such a fan of that fantastic website. 
I think they worked quite well in my opinion....
And, I thought this was incredibly fun. I wouldn't mind more blog posts like these.

Sometimes, people are wrong...
Satan will do whatever he can
To tear you down.
Whether it be through other people
                Or through your own thoughts.
He has no authority over you.
                He cannot receive revelation for you.
Only YOU know what is right for you.
And YOU are the best judge
                On what you can and cannot do.
There may be some validity to his claims, but.
Didn’t people tell Galileo
                That he was wrong?
Didn’t people think Einstein
                Was crazy?
Didn’t people support Hitler
                Killing the Jews?
Didn’t people (and don’t they still) think Joseph Smith
                Was a cuckoo brain?
Just because someone else thinks,
                It doesn’t make it correct.
It’s what YOU feel in YOUR heart.
It’s the confirmation YOU receive,
                When YOU think or pray about it.
Don’t let anyone tell YOU otherwise.
I’m not saying to disregard advice,
                Don’t get me wrong.
                 Don’t take it all as a fact.

Sometimes, people make your day...
I want you to know.
                That you have made a difference.
In my life there have been days.
                A lot of days.
When I come home.
                And feel so low.
I just lay on my floor and cry.
                And then I see.
Laugh hysterically not only.
                You make me feel.
Truly deeply loved.
                You don’t just say you care.
Because it is the right thing to say.
                You really care.
About me.
                And do all you can.
To let me know that.
                That means
So much to me.

Sometimes, people just have a way with words....
Look at praying.
For example,
                What if
                                You had given up?
Think of all the times
                We talked and you said
                                You just couldn’t do it.
What if
                You had continued
                                To tell yourself that?
Or with Provo?
                What if you had let yourself
                                Continue to think that you
                                                Could never get in?
It is at the times
When our trials
 are upon us.
When our gaze is directed
                To the floor.
That we must be strong.
                And lift our head.
Fixating our eyes
                On heaven.

Sometimes, people just know what to say.....
In the long run,
                Our eternal salvation
Is not based      
                                On the grade we get
                                                In chem, or bio, or even Book of Mormon.
It is based
                                On our faithfulness, and our ability
                                                To keep the commandments.
By staying strong,
                In our spiritual life
                                We are prepared
                                                For the things in regular life
                                                                That will bring us down.
If we make sure
                To spend our time
                                Increasing our testimony,
Heavenly Father will
                Magnify our time
                                In all other things.
Trust in Him.
Follow His promptings
                And guidance.
And you,
                Will never make a wrong choice.


  1. I agree that this was a really fun assignment. :) Just wanted to say I really liked your poems. Not only did you make them into awesome ones, but I appreciated the message in each one. You have some really good conversations :)

  2. These are awesome! I especially liked the first one.
